
期交所 打造交易人風險偵測平台

發表人  研究員    發表日期  2022-09-15    點閱次數  2508

Illustration of data analysis graph




「交易人風險偵測平台」可計算交易人設算部位各種風險資訊: 包括檢視設算部位所需原始保證金、維持保證金;風險情境分析;以及部位的風險參數(Greeks)。這些資訊可以讓交易人清楚評估交易風險以及調整風險控管策略。











迎戰零接觸經濟 金融業強化線上服務

發表人  研究員    發表日期  2022-09-09    點閱次數  2527



近年隨著法規鬆綁,加上疫情催化下,台灣在金融科技的發展應用也開始跑起來,包括在零接觸消費的鼓舞下,行動支付在台灣普及率於2022年初達到6成,並同時宣步要在2025年普及率要超越9成的目標。 事實上,不只台灣,電子錢包浪潮已經席捲各國,特別是東南亞市場的快速崛起。昕力資訊長歐采瑀在「TPI Day 趨勢論壇」上分享東南亞市場商機。


除了行動支付外,近年在金管會核准純網銀設立後,包括樂天國際銀行、LINE Bank與將來銀行等3家純網銀紛紛開行,也象徵銀行將走向數位化另一個里程碑,純網銀加入戰局,也讓傳統銀行加快數位轉型的腳步。國泰金控副總經理梁明喬就指出,國泰金控在2016年成立數位數據暨科技發展中心(簡稱數數發中心),未來將推動集團底下六大子公司以圍繞在數位、數據與金融科技的核心下,提供全方位的金融服務。



Are insurers ready for the future of mobility?

發表人  研究員    發表日期  2022-09-08    點閱次數  2143

Illustration of data analysis graph

July 21, 2022For decades, population growth and rising per capita income in Europe were accompanied by an increase in the number of vehicles purchased and kilometers driven. But mobility is at a turning point. The fight against climate change has changed all mobility-related industries—including the insurance market. And as customers become more aware of new technologies, such as autonomous driving and connectivity, both the automotive industry and motor insurers will need to change their product offerings and ways of working. These changes bring challenges to the insurance industry, but they also bring new opportunities.

The traffic turnaround

In 2021, European policymakers significantly enhanced their efforts to reduce transportation emissions. In accordance with the European Green Deal, companies have committed to cutting CO2 emissions from passenger cars by more than half by 2030, compared with 1990 levels, according to the European Commission. More than 150 European cities have already introduced access restrictions, such as reducing private vehicle use in designated areas, and electric-vehicle adoption is expected to reach nearly 50 percent globally over the next decade.

New technologies will also help ease the flow of traffic. The first Level 3 road congestion pilots, for example, can monitor traffic jams and switch the vehicle temporarily to autonomous driving. Level 4 highway pilots, which can monitor traffic and drive autonomously at higher speeds, are expected to be approved for private vehicles by 2025 at the latest. By then, 70 percent of all new vehicles are anticipated to be connected “smart” cars. Additionally, self-driving cabs are already on the roads of cities such as Phoenix, San Francisco, and Seoul. In China, they are projected to account for an estimated two-thirds of all passenger kilometers by 2040. Europe is also expected to introduce these types of vehicles to their streets in just a few years.

Individual mobility still primarily means owning a car. But the consumer market has become more open to new mobility solutions. Electronically booked trips, known as e-hailing, tripled between 2016 and 2021, and the micromobility sector (small electric vehicles, public transport, and shared services) grew by 60 percent in 2021 alone. As these trends continue, more people will shift from owning a car to using alternative transportation options.

How insurance will be affected

As the mobility sector evolves, so will the insurance market. For example, the frequency of claims is likely to decrease significantly in the coming years. At the same time, when accidents do happen, claims will be more significant because of the high cost of component replacements, such as sensors in vehicle bodies or batteries in electric vehicles. More dramatically, privately owned cars will become less popular as fleet businesses and micromobility grow, which will greatly reduce the largest business segment for most motor insurers.

Insurance companies will need to develop new approaches to address the impending decline in car insurance premiums and compensate for this loss with new business models. Motor insurers will also have to get used to a different risk portfolio if liability is transferred from the driver to the manufacturer—an approach that some political leaders are discussing. To adjust, insurers will have to develop new competencies in product development and in actuarial, sales, and customer service departments.

Across the board, the insurance industry must prepare itself for significant shifts in business priorities—the sooner the better.

Where to start

Fortunately, such a change brings opportunities that nimble providers can capitalize on. According to expert estimates, vehicle connectivity alone has the potential to produce $30 billion to $50 billion for the global mobility insurance industry by 2030. That amount would be more than 10 percent of today’s premiums.

Below are four examples of new data-driven approaches that companies can use to seize the potential of mobility shifts:

  1. Behavior-based pricing. Premiums based on driving style (“pay how you drive”) or vehicle use (“pay as you drive”) give policyholders attractive opportunities to save. This approach can pay off in the long term if movement and vehicle data are used to make additional offers.
  2. New ecosystem offerings. With growth in direct sales of motor vehicles, car manufacturers are becoming increasingly important as partners. But they should also be considered potential competitors as embedded offers—purchasing a vehicle and insurance from a single source—continue to trend. Insurers should strive to create partnerships within their ecosystem that benefit both sides. For example, they could integrate a simplified insurance offering into vehicle buying and selling using a seamless digital process.
  3. Multimodal insurance products. Providers can respond to the uptick in mobility diversity with appropriate insurance solutions. For example, they could offer one product class for everything from private cars to borrowed e-scooters to rental cars on vacation. This solution provides new customer groups access to the company and their insurance offerings that they might not have been exposed to before.
  4. On-demand services. After purchasing a vehicle, 39 percent of all buyers want to activate additional digital services. For owners of premium brand vehicles, 50 percent opt for these additional services. Insurers can take advantage of this ample demand by making extended services—such as international insurance, insurance for passengers, or active driver coaching—available at the push of a button.

In the medium term, insurers can plan to jump at new business opportunities, using the insights and data they have collected from mobility insurance solutions to grow into other areas of the mobility ecosystem. Fleet management, buying and selling used cars, the electric charging market, and car servicing sectors are just a few of the many options. More diversity also provides advantages over aggregators, which tend to benefit from standardization.

As is often the case during change management, motor insurers will need courage and creativity to forge ahead. Companies that address challenges early on will emerge stronger by responding to the transportation transformation. What's more, they will play a key role in shaping the new era of mobility.

Stephan Binder is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Zurich office; Ulrike Deetjen is a partner in the Stuttgart office, where Stefan Pöhler is an associate partner; and Kersten Heineke is a partner in the Frankfurt office.


How Fintech Can Deliver on Its Social Impact Promises

發表人  研究員    發表日期  2022-07-16    點閱次數  2148
Sean Gladwell/Getty Images
Summary. FinTech companies are seeing enormous investor interest on the back of promises of providing services to the financially underserved — a clear example of social enterprise that can do well by doing good. Yet while the industry has increasingly become synonymous...more

The financial technology (fintech) industry seems to strike investors’ goldilocks dream of doing exceptionally well while creating exceptional good. Based on the promise of positive social impact through financial inclusion, fintech has seen meteoric growth while also capturing more impact-related investment funds than any other industry.

In the last year alone, equity funding raised by fintech companies around the world nearly doubled. To date, fintech companies have a collective global market value of $5 trillion and industry growth is expected to be above 23% for the next five years.

This growth is driven in part by fintech’s potential for social impact at scale. Fintech executives promise to expand financial inclusion to the unbanked while strengthening financial health and promoting digital security. Companies like PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, and Shopify are embracing this promise, positioning their products and services as tools for financial inclusion and equitable economic growth. Investors are also embracing fintech’s impact potential: the industry currently receives approximately one quarter of all impact-oriented investment, more than any other industry and representing almost $250 billion in assets under management.

Yet while the industry has increasingly become synonymous with impact potential, fintech companies and investors have little insight into whether the industry is actually living up to its grand promises. Without more rigorous approaches to identifying and measuring impact, investors will continue to guess at the impact these companies have while fintech leaders pitch their products as saviors for society without necessarily delivering on that pitch. In this piece, we describe how fintech companies and investors approach impact today and the strategic opportunity to do more. We also provide concrete solutions for impact measurement and management.

State of Play in Fintech

The way firms design, manufacture, distribute, and sell their products has impact not just on the bottom line, but also on their consumers and society as a whole. A challenge, though, is that product impact — the impact on consumers and communities from using a product — can be idiosyncratic.

Through the Impact Weighted Accounts project at Harvard Business School, we have developed a framework to understand and quantify product impact as a means of addressing this challenge. The major barrier to execution, though, is that few companies disclose information related to product impact, focusing more on social responsibility initiatives than on impact from their core business.

This lack of information is particularly common among fintech companies, despite mission statements promoting positive impacts to customers. For instance:

  • Visa has made a commitment to digitally enable 50 million small and micro businesses by the end of 2023, but Visa does not disclose its progress or outcomes from this initiative, and its last impact report was published in 2020.
  • FIS’s mission is to help businesses and communities thrive by advancing commerce, but its disclosures have also been insufficient, with minimal data on core products’ reach among underserved consumers (e.g., small merchants) and core product outcomes.
  • Mastercard has promised to connect 1 billion people (including 50 million micro and small merchants) to the digital economy by 2025, but its reporting has also been insufficient with minimal data on core products’ reach among underserved consumers and core product outcomes.
  • Both PayPal and Shopify have been more transparent, but just barely. PayPal for instance, has provided data on core products’ reach among small- and medium-sized businesses but is missing data on underserved individual consumers and core product outcomes. And Shopify has released data on core products’ reach among merchants outside urban centers and in emerging markets, but has not disclosed data on other underserved groups (e.g., small and medium businesses) and outcomes.

What’s Left on the Table

In the current disclosure landscape, it is much more common for firms to treat issues of impact as potential risks as opposed to opportunities, so it is not surprising that mission statements and impact-related disclosures are misaligned. But correcting this misalignment provides opportunities for firms to better align their mission with their operations and allows investors to make informed decisions.

For fintech companies, as capital starts to become scarcer, product impact disclosures can enable differentiation, helping companies win customers and investors, especially in the fast-growing impact investing category. These firms can also improve impact management on material issues as a means of driving growth, innovation, and profit. This process creates a virtuous cycle: product iteration and innovation to support a more diverse and financially healthier customer base drives business.

Harnessing Fintech’s Impact Potential

The good news is that there are clear ways in which fintech companies and investors can begin to advance impact measurement and management, and these strategies can be applied beyond the fintech industry to any firm seeking to identify and strengthen its impact.

1. Parse specific impact goals that are aligned with revenue models.

Many fintech companies identify broad goals like equitable economic growth without identifying the specific impact areas best aligned with their core products and services. For example, financial health may be more about disruptive products, whereas goals of financial inclusion may be more about affordability and delivery channels at scale.

Similarly, few companies identify and report on product outcomes by key demographic groups (i.e., by race/ethnicity or by gender). If the industry fails to track demographic data, it will lose out on both growth and impact opportunities.

2. Experiment with approaches to quantifying social impact of products.

Based on the Impact Weighted Accounts project, fintech companies can begin to quantify product impact in ways that are rigorous and comparable. We have identified a preliminary approach for fintech-enabled transactions and compared PayPal and Shopify given sufficient, albeit still limited, public data.

Analysis reveals that product impact can vary meaningfully between fintech companies, with PayPal’s impact driven by affordability of services and Shopify’s impact driven by access among small and medium-sized businesses, a group traditionally underserved by financial services. Such quantification efforts can help investors make investment and engagement decisions while helping fintech leaders manage toward greater impact.

3. Champion standards for financial inclusion and health.

Financial inclusion and financial health are difficult outcomes to define and measure, and they remain relatively elusive among existing standards bodies. Fintech companies can partner with the International Sustainability Standards Board and expert intermediaries focused on financial health, like the Financial Health Network, to develop actionable and meaningful outcomes metrics.

4. Embrace interim metrics on the path to outcomes.

There is inevitably a lag in being able to claim outcomes based on corporate actions taken today. Given this lag, firms can identify compelling interim metrics (e.g., relative affordability of products for underserved groups, uptake for financial literacy tools built into core products) and engage external assurance processes.

5. Establish flexible systems.

What is most important will vary by stakeholders and over time, as investors and companies develop more nuanced impact theses. Given this evolution, a company’s approach to product impact must be flexible enough to address stakeholders’ evolving questions and goals.

Fintech companies can do this by managing data relevant to a range of product impact topics, including financial inclusion, financial health, and digital stewardship. Fintech companies can also work to organize disclosures such that metrics follow impact headlines and can be readily bundled and unbundled.


放棄一步到位,轉型就像收拾髒亂房間!3 項具體辦法,幫金融業完成數位轉型

發表人  研究員    發表日期  2022-03-17    點閱次數  2811
2022/03/11 高士閔 採訪.撰文

據歐洲銀行聯合會(European Banking Federation)的報告,2008 年歐盟區尚有 23.8 萬家銀行分行,到了 2018 年只剩下 17.4萬家。無獨有偶,僅在 2017 年下半年,全美就有超過 1700 家分行關門,其中不乏金融巨頭,譬如美國第二大商業銀行美國銀行(Bank of America),自 2009 年來陸續關閉或出售逾 1500 家分行。


然而,金融畢竟是特許行業,監管嚴謹。即使有金融監理沙盒(Financial Regulatory Sandbox,低度監理、風險可控的環境)作為實驗場所,2021 年下半年沒有一家公司通過申請。更不用說,「進了沙盒不一定出得來,出來也不代表成功,成功也不見得符合金管會、銀行公會的期待。」投入大筆創新預算,最終卻宛如丟進水坑。


期望能協助尚未數位轉型,或轉到一半卡住的金融業者,找到適合自己的亮點,謝明華等學者出版《金融數位轉型趨勢與成功方程式》,囊括國內外、傳統與新創等 19 家企業,「它不是答案,但有許多令人眼睛一亮的啟發。」



東吳大學財務工程與精算數學系助理教授李宜熹解釋,其中部分原因跟「法系」有關。英美多半是海洋法系(common law),只要法條沒有規定,就表示法律允許你嘗試,即使發生問題,如果犯錯者立意良善,懲罰力度會變輕;台灣是大陸法系(civil law),除了法令允許的,其他都是犯法,創新容易被限制。







資策會資深產業分析師李震華指出,數位科技一般分為 3 階段:數位化、數位優化和數位轉型。「數位化」是企業缺乏相關系統或科技,為了提升效率,開始採用;「數位優化」是在既有技術上,改善營運效能或顧客體驗,但依舊不算創新;直到「數位轉型」,因為技術和經驗的完善,才可能引發商業模式的突破。

而台灣大型金融業者多半處於「數位優化」階段,許多紙本或 PDF 檔案沒有數位化、整理,或是珍貴資料掌握在一線業務員手上,不一定願意和公司分享。「沒有資料,或是格式錯誤,機器沒辦法讀取,所以設備夠數位,也派不上用場。」這些都是「髒活」,但想要數位轉型,就只能慢慢做,就像是收拾房間,難以一次把雜物全部丟掉,只能一件一件整理,看看哪一個有價值。

李宜熹(國立中山大學財務管理博士。現為東吳大學財務工程與精算數學系助理教授,兼任政大金融科技研究中心數位金融創新實驗室與 AI 創新實驗室副執行長。)

短期來說,可以透過金融科技(FinTech,financial technology)加速。FinTech 分為 2 種:一種像是羅賓漢,本身有技術能量,提供新的服務,算是傳統金融的直接競爭者;另一種是軍火商,比如第三方的數據公司,它們比傳統金融更懂數據、科技,比如台灣資訊服務業龍頭精誠資訊,就很善於處理異質平台的資料。金融業者不用自己處理格式不一的數據,向他們買工具,不失一可行方法。


以保險業為例,審核一位客戶適不適合這項商品,要不要賣給他,其實很耗費成本。但除了少數個案,8 成顧客的條件其實相對單純。換句話說,人工智慧只要能挑出 8 成客戶,員工就少掉了 8 成工作。


《金融數位轉型趨勢與成功方程式》中記敘的 19 家企業,轉型方法都不太一樣,「幾乎沒有一體適用的方法,因為每一家公司的條件都不同。」但謝明華歸納出一套架構(參見下圖),包含衡量成本和績效的「組織營運卓越」、跟客戶的生命周期有關「完善顧客體驗」,以及最終的「商業模式再造」。


普遍來說,台灣金融業者多半著重前 2 項,一來是因為 2 者都是優化既有工作流程,比較容易看出成果,二來是數位轉型一開始多半會從「痛點」思考,而金融業是服務業,所以客戶和成本最容易發生問題。

至於商業模式的創新,多半只有國外有較成熟的案例,不然就是出現在新創。以那斯達克(NASDAQ)為例,原本是股票交易所,後來發現只靠交易業務沒辦法支撐這麼大的組織,才開始轉型為「顧問軟體銷售」。2021 年 9 月財報可以看出,NASDAQ 營收只有 28% 來自傳統證交所的「市場服務」「公司服務」,其餘 72% 都跟數位轉型有關,譬如透過演算法提供客戶市場決策建議的「訊息服務」、提供金融機構解決方案的「市場技術」。

話又說回來,雖然 NASDAQ 的轉型成果令人羨慕,但謝明華不建議一開始就以某種商業模式,作為數位轉型的目標,因為說服內部同仁相信很困難,說服主管機關同意又更困難,不論走「試辦」或「沙盒」,即使成功,也容易跟現行法規牴觸,投資難以回收,比如凱基銀行與中華電信聯手,希望協助金融小白獲得信用貸款,雖然模擬成功,但因為工會不允許,最後只能停辦。




發表人  研究員    發表日期  2021-10-13    點閱次數  3620

金融服務數位轉型是法遵科技發展驅動力,而法遵科技(RegTech)是金融服務提供者(FSP)滿足合規要求及落實風險管理的必要手段,讓資策會MIC 產業分析師 黃仕杰,為各位講解法尊科技的概念


#數位轉型 #AI人工智慧 #AI #金融科技 #FINTECH #金融科技知識 #金融科技力 #數位保險 #法遵科技 #KYC


發表人  研究員    發表日期  2021-10-01    點閱次數  3713

國內電商巨頭八月宣布完成一起策略投資,從此一起事件觀察消費者消費型態是否轉變,近年也可以發現不少電商陸續開始和保險業合作,這邊由產業分析師 賴苡安來說明目前保險業現況及實務。 



#數位轉型 #AI人工智慧 #AI #金融科技 #FINTECH #金融科技知識 #金融科技力 #數位保險 #電商保險


發表人  研究員    發表日期  2021-08-04    點閱次數  4833

創業維艱,加速器在FinTech新創萌芽時,扮演相當關鍵支撐角色,隨著時間推進,FinTech加速器發展開始有了轉變,突破既有框架,迎向更多營運可能 ,讓我們聽 資策會 MIC 資深產業分析師兼專案經理 楊政霖 為我們精彩分享 



#數位轉型 #AI人工智慧 #AI #金融科技 #FINTECH #金融科技知識 #金融科技力 #加密貨幣 #貨幣交易所 #加速器


發表人  研究員    發表日期  2021-07-30    點閱次數  4802

先前開始盛行的語音社群,您有接觸過嗎,讓我們聽資策會MIC 產業分析師 黃仕杰來分享新興科技與監管間的碰撞以及語音社群監管的利與弊 



#數位轉型 #AI人工智慧 #AI #金融科技 #FINTECH #金融科技知識 #金融科技力 #加密貨幣 #貨幣交易所 #語音社群


發表人  研究員    發表日期  2021-07-28    點閱次數  4886

受到疫情影響,各行各業都有新的因應措施,保險業也不例外,這邊由產業分析師 賴苡安



#數位轉型 #AI人工智慧 #AI #金融科技 #YFINTECH #金融科技知識 #金融科技力 #加密貨幣 #保險科技
